OneFormer3D: One Transformer for Unified Point Cloud Segmentation

24 Nov 2023  ยท  Maxim Kolodiazhnyi, Anna Vorontsova, Anton Konushin, Danila Rukhovich ยท

Semantic, instance, and panoptic segmentation of 3D point clouds have been addressed using task-specific models of distinct design. Thereby, the similarity of all segmentation tasks and the implicit relationship between them have not been utilized effectively. This paper presents a unified, simple, and effective model addressing all these tasks jointly. The model, named OneFormer3D, performs instance and semantic segmentation consistently, using a group of learnable kernels, where each kernel is responsible for generating a mask for either an instance or a semantic category. These kernels are trained with a transformer-based decoder with unified instance and semantic queries passed as an input. Such a design enables training a model end-to-end in a single run, so that it achieves top performance on all three segmentation tasks simultaneously. Specifically, our OneFormer3D ranks 1st and sets a new state-of-the-art (+2.1 mAP50) in the ScanNet test leaderboard. We also demonstrate the state-of-the-art results in semantic, instance, and panoptic segmentation of ScanNet (+21 PQ), ScanNet200 (+3.8 mAP50), and S3DIS (+0.8 mIoU) datasets.

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Results from the Paper

Task Dataset Model Metric Name Metric Value Global Rank Result Benchmark
3D Semantic Segmentation S3DIS OneFormer3D mIoU (6-Fold) 75.0 # 2
mIoU (Area-5) 72.4 # 1
3D Instance Segmentation S3DIS OneFormer3D mRec 74.1 # 2
mPrec 82.3 # 1
AP@50 75.8 # 1
mAP 63.0 # 2
Panoptic Segmentation ScanNet OneFormer3D PQ 71.2 # 1
PQ_th 69.6 # 1
PQ_st 86.1 # 1
Semantic Segmentation ScanNet OneFormer3D val mIoU 76.6 # 5
3D Semantic Segmentation ScanNet200 OneFormer3D val mIoU 30.1 # 7
3D Instance Segmentation ScanNet(v2) OneFromer3D mAP 56.6 # 4
mAP @ 50 80.1 # 2
mAP@25 89.6 # 1
3D Object Detection ScanNetV2 OneFormer3D mAP@0.25 76.9 # 2
mAP@0.5 65.3 # 2
Panoptic Segmentation ScanNetV2 OneFormer3D PQ 71.2 # 1


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